How does knowledge grow? Sometimes it begins with one insight and grows into many branches; other times it grows as a complex and interconnected network. In this TED talk, infographics expert Manuel Lima explores the thousand-year history of mapping data …
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AIIM offers a free e-book: Embrace the chaos. “We are at a unique moment in time. The acceleration of technology change is forcing organizations to reinvent themselves. Chaotic and disruptive times call for new approaches, new conversations, and a network of …
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In de documentaire ‘Alles is Informatie’ van de Vereniging SOD, spreekt een aantal geïnterviewden zich uit over het thema ‘de informatieprofessional in de informatiesamenleving’. In 50 minuten wordt een beeld geschetst van het vakgebied informatiemanagement, het dagelijks werk van informatieprofessionals, en …
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In 1959, Martin Feregrino described the term ‘knowledge worker’ as “anyone who develops, works with, or uses information in the workplace. As information-centric services rise in the modern economic paradigm, knowledge workers are becoming the fastest growing sector of the world’s workforce, …
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